
Sunday, June 2, 2013

So, I started crying over My Chemical Romance again tonight... Which kind of stung my awesom sunburned face, but whatever.

It isn't fair that I never got to see them live. I never got to see Gerard sing or Mikey play bass.

My heroes disbanded their group and now there are no more songs.
I have listened to each one a million times. I have memorized them. I know their inspirational stories.

There will be no more of that.

People say,"Well, you still have their old songs."
Ya? Really? Half of them I only listen to when I am sad, because that is what I need them for. Or when I'm lonely. Or when I feel fat. Or when I feel like cutting. But what if those songs start to lose their feeling from overuse? What happens then?

And how is it possible that, even though these are just random guys that I have never actually met before, they are some of the most important people to me. Ican honestly say that I love them.

I don't want to just be a fangirl, but I know that is what I am.
Maybe even something more diminutive than that? Less important?

Whatever. I miss My Chemical Romance. They saved my life. I suck. 

Life happens.

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